San Luis Potosí, S. L. P., MÉXICO

MR Author ID: 723863

Publicaciones segun MathSciNet

Publicaciones segun Google Académico

Mathematics Genealogy Project

Investigación y Divulgación (D):

Artículos Publicados:

  1. On the non-existence of sympathetic Lie algebras with dimension less than 25
    (Con: A.L. García-Pulido)
    Journal of Algebra and its Applications (2025) 2550122
    DOI: 10.1142/S0219498825501221

  2. On quadratic Hom-Lie algebras with twist map in their centroids and their relationship with quadratic Lie algebras
    (Con: R. García-Delgado, O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Journal of Algebra 651, 221-242 (2024)
    (ARXIV: 2212.13584 )

  3. Contact and Frobenius Lie Superalgebras
    (Con M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte)
    Communications in Algebra, 52:6, 2626-2648 (2024)
    DOI: 10.1080/00927872.2024.2302403

  4. Characterization of contact Lie Superalgebras
    (Con. M.A. Alvarez, M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte)
    Journal of Geometry and Physics Vol. 196, February 105058 (2024)

  5. Left-symmetric algebra structures on contact Lie algebras
    (Con: F.O. Méndez-Méndez)
    Communications in Algebra Vol. 51, Num. 7, 2914-2929 (2023)

  6. Contact Seaweeds
    (Con: V.E. Coll, N. Mayers, N. Russoniello)
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics , Vol. 320, No. 1, 45-60, (2022)
    DOI: 10.2140/pjm.2022.320.45

  7. Lie superalgebras based on Heisenberg Lie algebras
    (Con: L. Campa y R. Peniche)
    Linear and multilinear Algebra, vol. 70, No. 8, 1553-1562 (2022)
    DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2020.1765958

  8. Lie algebras whose Lie groups have negative sectional curvature
    Revista integración, Temas de matemáticas Vol. 40, No. 1, pág. 77-87 (2022)

  9. (D) Invariantes en álgebras de Lie
    Soc. Matemáticas Mexicana, Memorias 17 31--54 (2021)

  10. Semi-invariants of Low-dimensional Lie algebras
    (Con: M.A. Alvarez)
    Communications in Algebra, Vol 49, No. 5, 2022-2032 (2021)

  11. Deformation Theory of contact Lie algebras as double extensions
    (Con: M.A. Alvarez y M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte)
    Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 149, Number 5, 1827-1836 (2021)

  12. Invariant metrics on central extensions of quadratic Lie algebras
    (Con: R. García-Delgado y O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Journal of Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 19, No. 12, 2050224 (2020)
    Arxiv: 1801.03047, Ésta es la liga al Arxiv

  13. (D) Estructuras de contacto y simplécticas en álgebras de Lie cuadráticas
    Abstraction & Application, 27 29-42 (2020)
    Ésta es la liga a la revista Abstraction & Application

  14. Corrigendum to: "On 3-dimensional complex Hom-Lie algebras" [J. of Algebra 555, 361--385 (2020)]
    (Con: R. García-Delgado y O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Journal of Algebra 562, 286-289 (2020)

  15. On 3-dimensional complex Hom-Lie algebras
    (Con: R. García-Delgado y O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Journal of Algebra 555, 361--385 (2020)
    Arxiv:1902.08569 Ésta es la liga al Arxiv

  16. Generalized derivations and some structure theorems for Lie algebras
    (con: E. Dorado-Aguilar, R. García-Delgado, E. Martínez-Sigala y M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte)
    Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2050024 (2020).

  17. Principal derivations and codimension one ideals on contact and Frobenius Lie algebras
    (Con: T. Barajas y E. Roque)
    Communications in Algebra, Vol. 47, no. 12, 5380--5391 (2019)
    DOI: 10.1080/00927872.2019.1623238

  18. Invariants of contact Lie algebras ,
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 144 C, 388--396, (2019)

  19. Low dimensional contact Lie algebras,
    (con M.A. Alvarez y M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte),
    Journal of Lie Theory. Vol. 29, Num. 3, 811-838 (2019)

  20. Real canonical forms for the adjoint action of the Lie groups Sp(V,B) and O(V,B) on their Lie algebras,
    (con M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte and R. Peniche),
    Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. Vol 25, Num.1, 53-76 (2019)
    DOI: 10.1007/s40590-017-0176-4

  21. Contact and Frobenius Lie algebras with abelian Nilradical,
    (con M.A. Alvarez y M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte),
    Comm. in Algebra. Vol. 246, Num. 10, 4344-4354 (2018)

  22. Geometric Structures on Lie algebras and double extensions,
    (con M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte),
    Proceedings of the AMS. Vol. 146, Num. 10, 4199-4209, (2018)

  23. Algebras de Lie reductivas y semisimples; nuevas caracterizaciones,
    (con C. Villalobos-Guillen),
    Aportaciones Mat. Comun. Vol. 52, pags. 3-12, (2017)

  24. Contact Nilpotent Lie Algebras,
    (con M.A. Alvarez y M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte)
    Proceedings of the AMS 145 , 1467-1474, (2017)

  25. On indecomposable solvable Lie superalgebras having a Heisenberg nilradical,
    (con M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte y O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Journal of Algebra and Its Applications Vol. 15, No. 10 1650190 (26 pages) (2016)
    DOI: 10.1142/S0219498816501905

  26. 5-dimensional indecomposable contact Lie algebras as double extensions,
    (con M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte),
    Journal of Geometry and Physics Vol. 46, pags. 29-52, (2016)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2015.10.014

  27. (D) Métricas invariantes en algebras de Lie,
    (con M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte),
    Aportaciones Mat. Comun. Vol. 100, pags. 20-32, (2013)

  28. Lie superalgebras over gl(2).
    (con O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Comm. in Algebra Volume 39, Number 6, pags. 2114-2136, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1080/00927872.2010.488670

  29. Heisenberg Lie superalgebras and their invariant superorthogonal and sypersymplectic forms.
    (con M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte and O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Journal of Algebra, Volume 332 , Number 1 , pags. 71-86, (2011)

  30. On Natural Superhomogeneous Models for Minkowski Superspacetime.
    (Con. R. Peniche and O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Annales Henri Poincare, Volume 10, Number 8, pags. 1605-1610, (2010)
    DOI. 10.1007/s00023-010-0023-x

  31. The meaning of time and covariant superderivatives in supermechanics.
    (Con. J.A. Vallejo-Rodriguez)
    Advances in mathematical physics, Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 987524, 21 pages,

  32. Algebraic structures in F^n associated to linear transformations
    Linear Algebra and its Applications. Vol. 431 Num.5-7, pags. 991--997, (2009)

  33. Triple Products on gl(n)
    Comm. in Alg. Vol. 34 Num. 6 pags. 2261--2268, (2006)

  34. Classification of the Lie Superalgebras Associated to the Adjoint Representation of
    3-Dimensional real or complex Lie Algebra.

    (Con: I. Hernández y O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Jour. of Lie Theory Vol. 16 Num. 3, pags. 539-560, (2006)

  35. Lie Superalgebras Based On gl(n) Associated to the Adjoint Representation,
    And Invariant Geometric Structures Defined On Them.

    (Con: O.A. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
    Comm. in Math. Phys. Vol. 241 Num. 2-3 pags. 505-518, (2003)

Artículos Aceptados:

Artículos Sometidos a Publicación:

  1. Low-dimensional Lie algebras as double extensions
    (Con: M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte)

  2. Linear Codes Associated to Character Tables of Finite Groups
    (Con: C.M. Solis-Aguilar, M.P. Suárez-Fernández, J.M. Villalobos-Padilla)

Artículos en Progreso:

  • Kähler-Frobenius and Sasakian Lie algebras (con M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte y A.O. Sánchez-Valenzuela)
  • Nilpotent sl(2)-modules (con A.L. García-Pulido)

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    Última modificación: 6 de agosto de 2024